Fieldwork Sessions with Joe
If what you’ve read here intrigues you — no, if you feel in your bones this is something you’ve been longing for, if it excites you and compels you to act — let’s talk. Depending on your situation and what you want to accomplish, we can find a good path forward. Here are a few possibilities:
1. You have the space and desire for a profound transformation.
For explorers with sufficient spaciousness for a deep dive to completely transform one or more unwanted patterns while restructuring your relationship with feeling: More intensive sessions, three or more hours per day or eight hours per week at $180/hour.
Optimally I’m open to working at this depth with someone who is at a transition point in their lives and has both the time and resources to devote to their deepest transformation. If your life until now has involved significant compromises that you are unwilling to take with you into the next stage, and you’re willing to devote one to three months to big change work, this option might be right for you.
2. You’re busy but want to start smoothing the rough edges.
For busy explorers who want to use Feelingwork to gradually enhance your access to the wisdom of feelingmind and take incremental steps toward clearing unwanted patterns: Weekly, or semi-weekly sessions, flexible one to three hours at $240/hour.
3. You’re interested in learning fieldwork.
For those who would prefer to learn the practice of fieldwork to navigate your own inner journey, or those who would like to learn how to facilitate others’ fieldwork journeys, please visit Frontiers of Psychotopology.
What Fieldwork Sessions Are Like
First, the Nitty Gritty
We meet by Zoom video conference, which enables you to create your own secure, private space for the work. No travel necessary. If you have a decent internet connection and any computer or tablet, we’re good to go. Zoom will even work with your smartphone. Also, depending on your setup, you may find that a headset of some kind will help keep the audio connection clear.
You will receive comprehensive documentation of your sessions. I take very detailed notes, capturing your own words as we go. The notes are organized in a mind map which tracks your progress. Under your guidance I will also create vivid drawings of your fieldwork maps or support you in making your own, which are integrated into your mind map documentation.
If you wish, we can also record your sessions as audio or video and I can give you access to download these as support for your journey.
Qualities of My Facilitation

I take great pleasure in your liberation. You’ll see me express joy and excitement when you bump into a particularly challenging part of yourself because I know how much potential energy is locked up inside it and I can’t wait to see it be free. This response to your pain will likely take you by surprise but it conveys to you the depth of my trust in the power of feeling to lead you to your authentic expression of life. Over time you will learn this attitude toward your own inner states, this trust and eagerness to peer into the darkness to liberate the light within.
Along with this enthusiasm you will also experience my profound acceptance of anything you bring to the table. Between my own endless inner journey and my shared journeys with many others, I’ve pretty much seen or personally experienced it all, and I can easily embrace whatever we happen to encounter with empathy, compassion, and trust in the underlying goodness no matter how hidden that might be at first glance.
I’m thorough, meticulous even, taking notes capturing nearly everything you say and organizing your journey into an order that illuminates our work together.
What to Expect in Your Experience
This work isn’t easy. Here’s what one client had to say in an email after our sixth session:
“The session yesterday is still resonating through my consciousness. It feels like visiting a sort of psycho-biological Big Bang and capturing a snapshot from that moment. WOW.”
You’ll have these experiences, and they will come faster and more easily than you might expect. We’re working with the benefit of a map of the underlying architecture of feelingmind. This enables us to go very deep, very fast. Fortunately, along with our map come the tools to utterly transform what we find, releasing all manner of buried treasure to be reclaimed and integrated.
In general, you can expect the work to be exhausting. It will be important to give yourself plenty of good nourishment of all kinds. You can also expect that when we transform patterns that have been in place for many years, it will take you some time to restore those parts of you. For a while you may feel disoriented. The old patterns no longer work, but you don’t yet have a sense of what to do instead.
Over time you naturally re-engage whatever developmental stage was interrupted by the suppression of feeling that initiated your difficult patterns. Gradually, moment by moment, day by day, you access your strengths and integrate them into your everyday life. This can take anywhere from a few days to weeks, and you will likely continue to see ripples of change into months and even years. It’s important to be gentle with yourself during this time and not make any sudden changes in direction.
When you come through the other side, what you will find is yourself, more full, more alive, more potent and creative than ever before. But the funny thing is, this feels utterly natural to you, like it should have been this way all along. Here’s how my client Kelly described the experience:
“Since working with Joe, I have felt a profound shift in my being – physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I feel like the weight of anxiety (big, dark, gray and black) has been lifted off of my shoulders. This weight that I have felt for a majority of my life has been replaced by a sense of lightness, vitality, and a deeper sense of compassion for myself and others. I feel a sense of calm, centeredness, joy, profound love, and positive energy.”
You can read more quotes from former clients on the fieldwork intro page.
This is big work. I invite you to give it a try.
The only way to know for sure if this is right for you is to try it out. That’s why I offer your first session with a money-back guarantee. If for any reason you decide you did not receive the value you were hoping for, let me know within a week or two and I’ll refund your money. I recommend scheduling your first session for 90 minutes to two hours.
Think you’re ready to start your exploration? Get in touch!